Sunday, May 26, 2013

Question your Existence!

When a machine is created, every component in it holds a purpose. Big or small, each of these elements got a role to play in the functioning of the machine. No machine is built with any part without any role to play. In short, each of these components is essential. If we humans can have creations with such precision, won’t you trust the universal creator to exhibit better precision?

When we realize that each one of us is a component of his machine, we start thinking about the meaning of our existence. Are we not here to perform some duty? karma? contribute to the proper functioning of this machine? As every machine is made of multiple components, each component is made of sub-components. The duty of each component is to work in sync with other components. Either help or facilitate the function of others. Any component which malfunctions and obstructs the functioning of others is rightly called as Waste.

It is easy to blame the way the world is. Way things are around you, personally and professionally. The reason why things are not right is that some of the components of this huge machine are defective. Or, it is not functioning the way it is supposed to be. This is the time to do a soul search. Question the meaning of your own existence. How meaningful do you want to make it? Are you happy being a mere coating on one of the cogs of the machine or do you want to be a key component of the turbine? Well, don’t read me wrong here. I am not urging every individual to be a part of the centrifugal force that drives the universe. Not everyone can be a Mother Teresa, Einstein, Edison, Mandela, Gandhi, Bill Gates, Tendulkar, Bolt, Picasso or any other legend. It definitely is not in your hands. But, what is in your hand is your choice of not being no one. When you start questioning the meaning of your existence, you start creating your own answers. It is you who can decide the value and meaning of your existence.

A self introspection will make you realize the value you are adding to this Universe. You add value to this machine by playing your role perfectly, in whichever capacity it is supposed to be. When you add value to you as an individual, to your work place, to your family, to your society, you add value to the Universe. You start creating a meaning for your own existence. The simplest gesture of un-complicating things and simplifying life for the people around you in your work place makes you realize the meaning of your existence there. You can use every action in your professional and personal life to add value to your existence. Your existence in this world is a sweet responsibility, not a mere opportunity. Each individual is responsible for making his/her own existence more meaningful to people around you and in-turn to the entire universe. We have no right to complain about anything, unless we make efforts to create greater value for our own existence. The more relevant you make it, the less waste you are.

You got 2 choices.

Make your work radically helpful to others than useful to yourself alone. Strive for excellence in whatever you do. Commit yourself to recognize value in what others do around and be appreciative of the same. Help them to add more value to what they do and let them improve their worth. Assume responsibility for your own net worth in the Universe.


Blame everything around you.


  1. So which do you think the humane mind will prefer? Option 1 or 2? The most easiest option is what an average human mind thinks and that is the reason you will find option 2 being on the raise.
    Option 1 was taken only by the people whom you have mentioned and few others and hence you find people of this genre to be at scarce.. Happy Blogging...

  2. Good start....slightly scattered and hence needs to be be sharper. I think it will evolve as you write more....Best wishes.
